Drive Moz

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With Drive Moz you are never alone.

Drive Moz is the best Mozambique Tourist related travel group on FaceBook with 100 000  members.Being part of this group means that you commit to behaving responsibly, to respect  Mozambique’s laws, nature,the people and fellow holidaymakers. You also commit where possible, to assist and advise other DriveMozzers in trouble, or those that need assistance. To access the wealth of information join us on Facebook.

Why Choose DriveMoz

The fastest growing Traveling Assistance ever!

New visitors and experienced visitors to Mozambique all need some advice, assistance and support from time to time.

Things change and unforeseen things happen to all of us. In a foreign country, with a foreign language and unknown rules and laws, it is important to have someone you can call upon / depend upon.

In 2013 Dirk Fourie from Centurion, South Africa, came up with the idea to create a social media DIRK FOURIE
community that can advise, warn, assist, provide information to, and befriend fellow visitors to Mozambique.

In October 2013, the Facebook group DriveMoz was born. Its membership has grown beyond expectations and today has more than 78 000 members, with the membership count increasing daily.

The DriveMoz Facebook Group has files of frequently updated information on travelling in Mozambique: e.g. Do’s and Do’nots, Border procedures, checklists; the traffic laws and fines; Online 3rd Party as well as Legal & Roadside assist insurance; a cell-phone app walky-talky group (Zello); list of female friendly toilets, routes to avoid Maputo; and much more.

The group is interactive and quick to respond to your questions and quests for advice. The members are passionate about assisting and advising fellow members. Advertisements are minimal and the group is well controlled, directed to keep within the theme. DriveMoz is a community, almost a family. DriveMozzers recognise each other with the DriveMoz rear and side stickers. (on Driver’s door frame or behind side-mirror).

DriveMoz has several unique features to help travellers in Mozambique enjoy peaceful travels with assistance en-route. Over and above having the interactive Facebook group, during peak holiday season, DriveMoz arranges “DriveMoz2gethers” for the members, even when everyone has different destinations. (It is almost a convoy, but convoys have a military association) During peak periods, many DriveMozzers join DriveMoz2Gether to have the comfort of not travelling alone.

The group also has real-time assistance and communication on Zello Channels (a group now almost 5000 members strong). Zello is an application for smart phones. It is downloaded for free and works like a Walky-Talky via your phone’s data package. Instructions are all on the DriveMoz Files VAULT. In addition to that, there is also Telegram, a WhatsApp type group, but that can handle many members and you don’t need the person’s cell number, thus privacy is not comprised. Both works on data, thus it will work on your current phone wherever you are. Emergency Channels monitor the DriveMoz channel and can respond with emergency requirements even dispatched from SA. (Break-Down service, Helicopter, emergency flights etc.).

Being part of the DriveMoz Zello channel (group) you are connected directly with many members to get instant responses and assistance. Dangers, accidents, road-conditions can all be reported via the group, even on the routes to Mozambique. There is also a DriveMoz Chat group to talk about other things, rugby, fishing spots etc.

Due to high roaming charges, buying a Mozambique sim-card as you cross the border is recommended. Set-up instructions are loaded on the DriveMoz Members Area.

The latest add-on to DriveMoz is its online 3rd party insurance (Mozambique Road Law and Government regulated)by well-known and Mozambique approved insurance companies. The Legal and roadside assist is an add-on you get on the online portal. For more info go to Insurance.

The 3rd party is the same price as anywhere else, but you can buy it long before the time in the comfort of your office or home.

Being a DriveMozzer means you are a happy and contributing visitor to Mozambique. DriveMozzers proudly display their membership stickers, of which there are more than 40 vendors from Harare to Cape-Town. The sticker shows your membership number. DriveMozzers respect the country, the people and the rules.We greet each other with a special hand-gesture (the d of sign language) and 3 short honks. This shows our camaraderie, fellowship and belonging to the most successful Mozambique related travel group.

DriveMoz has also donated some of the income collected from sticker sales, to a Mozambique charity, as well as to the Dineo and Idae Cyclone victims.

What are you waiting for?

The world awaits your visibility, start listing today, and get exposure.